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Integration of PE and CS into the general education curriculum is quite timely to improve the quality of education. It prepares students for a balanced and technologically advanced future. Being a PE teacher at Bataan National High School, I’ve seen firsthand how tech-driven solutions like gamified fitness apps and virtual reality sports can transform students’ attitudes toward physical activity. These technologies make exercise more appealing, especially to students who are more into digitally-induced experiences, with real-time feedback, tracking of progress, and setting personal fitness goals.

Similarly, PE and CS develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. For instance, I have taken students through the process of learning to code while creating simple fitness apps or designing virtual sports environments, bringing together creativity and technical knowledge. This hands-on approach to learning makes abstract CS concepts tangible and relevant. In addition, cooperation in many PE/PA activities using technology has very appreciably enhanced teamwork and communication skills for many of my students, competencies demanded in both academic and professional settings according to Fresno Pacific University (2023).

As cited in the study of Florian (2023) integrating the PE and CS classes would offer the following opportunities: realistic, hands-on experiences in service of both physical fitness and digital literacy. A realistic scenario is one in which students wear pedometers during PE class while tracking their steps; in the CS class, they use spreadsheets to analyze the collected data to learn the basics of data analysis. Another scenario involves brainstorming ideas for a health and fitness app and learning the basics of app development in CS class to prototype their app, incorporating workout tracking features. PE classes can conduct virtual sports tournaments, while in CS classes, students learn about the technology behind motion-controlled gaming systems to discuss how gaming is affecting physical activity. Students record videos of the sports movements during a PE session to analyze biomechanics in a CS class using video editing software. Lastly, PE and CS classes could work together to run a fitness game development workshop in which students brainstorm game ideas, design physical challenges, and learn how to code simple games using block-based programming languages to promote teamwork and creativity while exploring technology and physical activity.

This is in line with the goals and priorities of modern education systems, such as the K-to-12 curriculum in the Philippines, with the core of 21st-century skills. Through the merging of PE and CS, I’ve been able to make such an environment more dynamic and engaging for students of multiple learning styles and interests. Such an integrated approach to education enriches the learning process and places students well to survive in a changing world. After all, PE and CS integrate for the well-being of students’ bodies and minds and prepare them for the future.

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